Saturday, September 4, 2010

Greatest Fear

I would be lying if I said I have had no anxiety at all about this upcoming surgery. I have had some of the thoughts and feelings you might imagine. I have had some of the "what-if's" any human being might have.

Of course, one of the initial thoughts was, "There is a chance I don't make it through surgery". But as honest as I know to be with myself, I have dealt with those feelings and death is not a threat for a Christ follower. Would I want to die? No. I have the same desire and drive to live as anyone! Do I fear death? Absolutely not. Just so I am clear, I am going into Wednesday with no thoughts of not coming out of surgery.

So, do I have any fear(s) going into this "procedure" and recovery? I do. My greatest 'fear' (if that's what it would be called) is that I would fail to learn all God has for me to learn as I walk through this. This is the biggest opportunity for growth in my life (to date). God is sovereign. This test was custom designed for me from before the beginning of time. After all, I was fearfully and wonderfully made. I don't want to waste it. I surely do not want to repeat this one :-).

What do I need to learn about God? What do I need to learn by experience that I currently only know intellectually? How can this make me a better husband? Father? Pastor? Preacher? Obedient follower? Most of all, how can I learn through this to bring great glory to God?

1 Peter 1:6-7
6 You rejoice in this, though now for a short time you have had to be distressed by various trials 7 so that the genuineness of your faith —more valuable than gold, which perishes though refined by fire —may result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

What trial is distressing in your life? It will prove the genuineness (or lack of genuineness) of your faith. It will drive you to what God has for you ... or away from Him. Ultimately, as Christ followers we want our trials to result in praise, glory and honor of Christ.


Anonymous said...

This is an awesome reminder for us all during this time!! I must say, had I known how much "wisdom" you would have later in life, I would not have been such an "annoying" younger sister. I would have had much more respect for you way back then. Unfortunately, you did not show signs of such great wisdom then, so I guess I was justified in being annoying. I do love you and continue to pray! God has you in His loving arms! Carla

Brian Dodd said...


You are an absolute model of a Godly man, leader, and Christ-follower. You will always be one of my heroes of the faith.

I've met a lot of Christian leaders in my time and few match up to you. I'm praying Wednesday and can't wait to hear what God tells/teaches you through this.

Your friend (for all eternity)
Brian Dodd