Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Game Slows Down

Sports announcers and coaches often talk about the game slowing down for their quarterback. The more playing time a player gets, the more he understands the game and he can see things develop around him. It certainly doesn't mean the other players play at a slower pace. It simply means the quarterback has a different perspective and he can see things more clearly than before.

Well, my diagnosis and pending surgery have slowed the game down for me. Suddenly, there are things that might have distracted me a few weeks ago that do not seem like a big deal any more. My thoughts seem clearer. My focus is sharper. My time with the LORD is sweeter. My prayers are more God centered. My Bible study is more meaningful.

I think maybe part of what God is doing in my life through this detour is slowing the game down for me.

I pray for this kind of clarity of mind and focus to carry through beyond recovery.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mark: I had read your blog in early Aug, the day before your tests to find out about what all was going on. I will continue to pray for you and Clearview. May you have peace, rest, healing, and intimacy with God in a whole new way. Blessings, Liz Gibson, Deer Run Retreat