Monday, March 10, 2008

Evangelism Strategy - Part 2

I sometimes wonder how the early church followers of Christ would have responded to such a term as "evangelism strategy". "What are you talking about? Evangelism (spreading the good news of Christ) is what we do. Do you mean you are going to make this a program of the church? You can't do that. Evangelism is as natural as breathing." It is obvious the early followers of Christ could not help but tell others about Christ.

"for we are unable to stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
Acts 4:20 (HCSB)
That is why I have no doubt, the most biblical approach to evangelism is to put Christ followers who are passionate about their faith and their Savior in contact with people who need to hear, and cut them loose. Again, we are back to each of us being the key to evangelim. Looking for red apples (see Part 1) who are ready to hear the gospel. The amazing thing is, we are surrounded by these folks: people who do not know Christ who have hit a wall in life, looking for someone to help them find hope (which we know is found only in Jesus Christ).

I hear much made of "making the gospel relevant to our culture". How much more relevant can you make it than to have people with the boldness and the passion to make it a part of their every day conversation?
NO, we do not hit people over the head with our king sized King James. We don't have to if we are simply alert to those around us whose life is in a ditch. But with a winsomeness and sensitivity step up to the plate and share what it means to have Christ in your life. As a friend of mine says, cultures don't come to Christ, people do. And there is no better way to bring people to Christ, than through people.

What's our "strategy" for seeing more people come to Christ???? It's more people prayerfully and passionately sharing their faith naturally with hurting people around them on soccer fields, in restaurants, in doctors' offices, at school, in offices, on airplanes, etc.. Oh yeah, where you and I are every day. As we see in the early church, God will bless the bold sharing of His people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It may be that first we need to be more comfortable sharing REAL life struggles, sin, and setbacks in our own lives with one another. So that, over time during those trials, God Sovereignty and His Solutions will naturally draw us closer to him and pull others along to truly knowing Him.

I'm drawn to this scripture being my prayer for Clearview:
Colossians 3:16 Let the message about the Messiah dwell richly among you, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, and singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, with gratitude in your hearts to God.

Thanks Mark for pointing the way. Hope you can stir up a little more exhortation within the flock on this blog!