Sunday, August 16, 2009

I am living my dream ...

Growing up, I can remember only two things I seriously wanted to do the rest of my life. First and foremost, I wanted to coach basketball. John Wooden was my hero (yes, I'm that old). At a young age, I was amazed at how he could take such a variety of personalities and skill sets and blend them into a true team which consistently won championships.

But if I could not be a coach, I wanted to be an attorney. Actually, I didn't want to be an attorney as much as I just wanted to make the closing arguments. I guess I watched too much Perry Mason during my early years, but I just loved to watch how the attorneys would close out the case.

It had not dawned on me until this morning, that I am getting to live out my childhood dreams as a pastor. God did not call me to be a coach or an attorney. But, as a Pastor I have the opportunity to coach a great team of staff and volunteer leadership team ... trying to blend personalities and skill sets. Oh, and did I mention the worship room in which I speak every week is also a gym, with lines on the floor and everything?! How cool is that! And in many ways, I get to make the most significant closing arguments one could make every week. These closing arguments are not to put some criminal behind bars or to gain my client a settlement in a law suit. Rather, there are people seated in that room every Sunday whose life hangs in the balance as I have the privilege of sharing the Gospel with them.

I am living my dream!


Mike Butcher said...

Living your dream and doing a great job!! There is no doubt God led the right man to ClearView. He is doing some amazing things through you. Thanks for your leadership and passion for His Word.

Mark said...

Thanks Mike.

Leigh Ann's Blog said...

So, I guess the truth finally comes out! I loved this blog post!

Steve N. said...

Great comments. I appreciate your willingness to communicate via the blog etc. Helps us get to know you better. Keep up the good work.

Allison Bussell said...

By the way, closing arguments are a lot of fun! But we are all blessed by your closing arguments, time and time again. What a joy that God picks and chooses such different things for all of us. Sorry I've been behind, but I loved this post, for somewhat obvious reasons.